Airship Daedalus – The Golden City!
An exciting new chapter in the Daedalus saga has hit stores and e-readers in Todd Downing’s exciting sequel to E.J. Blaine’s astounding Assassins of the Lost Kingdom!
The Golden City follows ace pilot “Captain Stratosphere” Jack McGraw and occult expert Dorothy “Doc” Starr as they continue their struggle against the dark army of Aleister Crowley’s Astrum Argentum, from an underground tomb on a windswept Scottish island to the storm-lashed skies over Europe, from the streets of London and Cairo to the back-alleys of Athens, and ultimately to a lost city of gold, buried in the Egyptian desert! With Duke gone missing during the maiden cruise of his first command, the crew of the Daedalus must try to re-trace his course and close the distance before it’s too late–dogged at every step by nefarious agents of the Silver Star!
In print and ebook from Amazon, Kobo, and DriveThruFiction.