In April 1999, three friends started Deep7 Press, a publishing
company dedicated to bringing quality content to the then-new e-book
market. Twenty years and almost a hundred products later, we’re still
producing quality titles in electronic and printed formats.
Deep7 Press began in 1999 as the business partnership of Ron Dugdale with Todd and Samantha Downing. Their goal was to help usher in the digital age of adventure gaming by publishing quality roleplaying content in electronic format. Foremost among the early products was the 1PG line of rules lite RPGs. Ron left the company in 2002 after the release of the company’s premium fantasy RPG Arrowflight, while Todd and Samantha went on to publish the official Red Dwarf RPG, the film noir game Mean Streets, and many others. Samantha died in 2005, and Todd eventually returned to game publishing with the post-apocalyptic RADZ, followed by the second edition update of the Arrowflight line.