Released in January 2003, Red Dwarf – The Roleplaying Game brought all the hilarity and personal abuse of the cult favorite sci-fi Britcom to your own gaming table. Utilizing the first-generation XPG system, the game was given high marks by both players and industry pros alike. Even the groggiest grognards (many of whom claimed there was no way an American mom & pop game company could adapt such a beloved property) were won over.

Pyramid Magazine called it “Remarkable…a benchmark by which similar products should be measured.” gave it a grade of A-.

Although long out of print, with the license expired since 2007, the game continues to circulate via Ebay and used booksellers, and there is a dedicated fan base online.

While Deep7 Press can no longer publish or officially support the line, this page is maintained for historical reference.

Red Dwarf – The Roleplaying Game
Core rulebook
Full/spot color, casebound, 176 pages
ISBN: 978-0971082038

Red Dwarf A.I. Screen & Extra Bits Book
Full-color tri-fold cardstock gamemaster screen
24-page B&W booklet
ISBN: 978-0971082045

Red Dwarf Series Sourcebook
Sourcebook for seasons 1-8
B&W softcover, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-0971082052

Red Dwarf A.I. Add-On
Free resource sheet
B&W download