Grimmworld is a roleplaying setting of dark fantasy and Gothic intrigue set against the backdrop of the Georgian/Regency period in Europe and America. It is a world struggling to balance ancient lore with divine faith and scientific reason, with proponents of each vying for dominion. A world where the products of fiction are alive and well, and prey upon the fears of man.
This volume includes:
• Complete Dark Fantasy Setting framed in the Georgian/Regency Gothic Romance era
• Playing Card Based Narrative System
• World Gazetteer
• Bestiary
• Over 100 Non-Player Characters
• Plot Generator
• Period Literary Selections
• Introductory Scenario: “Riddle of the Thorns”
• Recommended Viewing List
PDF edition includes standard full color screen file, printer-friendly (background-free) version, and separate character sheet file. Also available in a premium hardcover edition (which includes the PDF edition for free)!
ISBN: 978-1-7349293-3-1
Beautiful book! It is a great read just for a peek at the literary richness of the period…the foundation of our modern sci-fi/horror genres. The system is also a breeze to learn, play and GM, allowing a creative bunch of players to have a great time in a world seldom visited.
– Purchaser, DriveThruRPG
Grimmworld Character Sheet 2-up (free PDF)
(right click & Save As…)
Also available:
Grimmworld Regency-Style Playing Cards
Use for task resolution in the Grimmworld dark fantasy RPG, or as a standalone deck of playing cards.
For our Regency-era dark fantasy RPG, Grimmworld, we wanted a deck of playing cards that resembled cards of the era, but with modern trim and coating for durability. We couldn’t find a Regency-era replica deck on the market that wasn’t merely printed on uncoated card stock, so we sourced vintage French art from the late 1700s and put together this deck for all your Georgian/Napoleonic/Regency-era gaming needs. Although not suitable as an historically-accurate film prop (due to the UV coating and decorative back), this deck is otherwise faithful to the art and layout of the period.”
– Todd Downing, Creative Director
• 52 card, standard-suit poker deck (hearts, spades, clubs, diamonds; ace thru king)
• No jokers, no numbers, no corner indices (all of which are Victorian additions)
• Comes with a 5-seal card back design, each seal corresponding to a different hermetic order in the Grimmworld RPG: Ordo Antiquis, Ordo Divina, Ordo Libertas, Ordo Lux, and Circulus Praesidium